Home Yoga No more Diets, Practice these Yoga Poses to Reduce Belly Fat.

No more Diets, Practice these Yoga Poses to Reduce Belly Fat.

woman tummy

Flabby stomach is a most common problem that many people face today. It is the excessive fat deposit in our stomach that makes a flabby stomach. The main cause for this is our erroneous lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise and high stress levels etc.

The level of risk in such cases is high. Today people are less aware of such cases or they are least bothered. Abdomen fat will lead to polycystic ovarian disease in women.

The only solution for this problem is proper diet and exercise. Here comes the importance of yoga. Yoga is easy to practise and the most effective therapy. Yoga not only decreases abdominal fat, but also it allows controlling our body and mind.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Lie down on a mat with our front facing the floor. Keep your legs together. Keep your palms facing the floor; let it rest on either side of your body. Exhale deeply and bend your knees upwards. Lift your head and bend it towards the back. Bring your hands to the back and try to hold your ankles. Now support your body weight with your abdomen. Inhale deeply. While breathing in lift your knees higher. Hold on in this pose for 15 to 30 seconds. Gradually you can increase the holding time up to 60 to 90 seconds. Don’t forget to breathe normally while you hold in the position. Now slowly exhale and relax. Stretch out your body. As a beginner you can do this asana 15 times. Gradually increase it up to 30 times. Remember to relax for 15 seconds after each repetition.

DhanurasanaDhanurasana is also called ‘Bow Pose’. It gives stretch to your abdomen, back, thighs, arms as well as chest. It will improve your posture. It will also stretches the back muscles and make them strong. It will stimulate your neck and abdomen.

Uttanpadasana (Raised foot pose)

Lie down on a mat with your back facing the floor. Stretch out your legs with your heels touching each other. Keep your palms facing the floor on your either side of the body. Slowly inhale and exhale deeply. Tilt your back while bringing your head backwards so that it touches the floor.inhale deeply and raise your legs up making a 45 degree angle with the floor. Hold in this pose for 15 to 30 seconds. Now exhale deeply and again lift your legs up to make a 90 degree angle with the floor. Hold on for 30 seconds. Now exhale and come back to normal position and relax. Repeat the asana 10 times. Gradually repeat for 30 times.

UttanpadasanaUttanpadasana is also called ‘Raised foot pose’. It helps to reduce fat from your lower abdomen.it is the most efficient way to get rid of flabby tummy. It also reduce fat from around your waist and hips . This asana improves the functioning of the reproductive organs, improves blood circulation and prevents stomach related ailments.

Padahastasana (Hand Under Foot Pose)

Stand straight with your hands on either side of your body, feet rest together or heels touching each other. Keep your spine straight. Breathe in deeply and raise your hands upwards. Now exhale and bend forward till your body comes parallel to the floor. Breathe in and out slowly. Then bend forward completely as if your body fall away from your hips. Without bending your knees try to touch the floor with your palms. Tuck your tummy in and hold on for 15 to 30 seconds. Now exhale as you come back to the normal position. Relax.

PadahastasanaIn this asana the abdomen will get compressed completely as we bend forward and it will help to burn fat.

Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend)

Sit on a floor with your spine straight, legs stretched out to your front, feet pointing the ceiling. Inhale deeply. Now without bending your elbows stretch your hands above your head. Your gaze should follow your hands. Your spine should be stretched to the maximum. Breathe out and bend forward from your thighs. Bring your hands down and touch your feet. Inhale and tuck your tummy in. hold in this position for 60 to 90 seconds. Now exhale and come to the normal position and relax.

PaschimottanasanaThis asana is also called ‘Seated forward bend’. This is the best pose that helps to cure digestive problems. This asana will balance menstrual cycle in women.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind relieving pose)

Lie down on the floor, facing the ceiling. Keep your legs stretched out, heels touching each other. Bend your knees a little and deeply inhale. As you exhale slowly bring your knees towards your chest. Here your thighs should apply pressure on your abdomen. Hold the knees properly with your hands. Inhale and exhale. As you exhale lift your head and bring your chin to touch your knees. Hold on for 60 to 90 seconds. Exhale and rest your head on the floor and come to normal position and relax.

PavanamuktasanaThis asana is also called ‘Wind relieving pose’. It helps to prevent gastric problems.it triggers burning of fat from your stomach.

Naukasana (Boat pose)

Lie down on a mat with your back facing the floor. Stretch out your legs with your heels touching each other. Keep your palms facing the floor on your either side of the body. Breathe in. Now as you breathe out lift up your head, chest and legs from the floor. Then stretch out your arms till they come parallel to your legs. Now bring your arms near to either side of your knees. Gaze on your toes. Hold in this position and you will feel your abdominal muscles contracting. Breathe normally as you hold in this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Inhale and exhale. Then slowly come to the normal position and relax.

NaukasanaThis asana is also called ‘Boat pose’. It guarantees flatter belly if it is practised regularly.

Follow these for the best result:

  • Do these asanas at least thrice a week.
  • As beginners the maximum time to hold in a position is 30 seconds. Gradually it can be increased to 60 to 90 seconds.
  • As beginners an asana can be done at least 15 times a day.but gradually it should be increased to 30 or 40times.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply while practising yoga.