Home Beauty Tips Eat these 10 Foods & Make your Hair Grow Faster, Thicker &...

Eat these 10 Foods & Make your Hair Grow Faster, Thicker & Shinier

Food for hair growth

You can get a voluminous hair only if you are healthy! Yes, your hair is a reflection of your inner health. When the body lacks sufficient nutrition, it will result in the following hair problems – dandruff, dryness of hair, brittleness and ultimately in hair loss.  On the other hand, there are a few best foods for hair, which will make it grow super strong and healthy.

It is the dream of many girls to have a long, healthy and shiny hair.  But, many of them end up frustrated by trying various methods.

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They use shampoos, serums, conditioners and what not show that their hair voluminous. But is this the right way?    It will only end up damaging the hair.

So, treat your hair with nutrients from inside and it will reflect in goodness of your hair from outside. Here are 10 hair growth foods that will gift you with a healthy hair.

Salmon: Omega-3 is an anti-inflammatory agent & Salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.  If your hair is shedding due to an inflammation in the body, then eating salmon will help you recover from this risk.  Not just this, Omega-3’s helps you stay fit and healthy with an additional advantage of beautiful and shiny hair.  Loss of hair in men and women are repeatedly linked with resistance of insulin in body.  Salmon is a food, which helps the body to secrete insulin efficiently.

Yellow Bell Peppers: They are a rich source of Vitamin C.  Actually, they can produce more than five and half times of Vitamin C, when compared with Oranges.  This should be, a happy news, for your hair locks, as vitamin C is a vital antioxidant, which helps in strengthening the shaft and follicles of the hair.  It also prevents hair breakage.

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Nuts: Vitamin B7 also known as Biotin is a vital enzyme, which provides required energy to the body.  Nuts – especially almonds and walnuts are a great supplier of biotin.  Biotin is a vital hair growth food, which stimulates growth of hair.  It also helps in the development of nutritious cells in hair, which leads to a healthy and thick hair.

Eggs: Lip-smacking is not the only reason to begin the day with consuming eggs, instead they contain zinc, proteins, iron and all essential nutrients that is required for hair growth.  Zinc, helps hair in the growth of tissues, reproduction of cells and mending of the broken hair tissues.  It strengthens damaged hair too!

Oysters: To get luscious locks, Oysters should be included in your daily food menu.  Oysters are a good source of zinc.  They also contain Vitamin C, iron, Omega 3, calcium and all vital minerals and vitamins which is required for a healthy skin and hair.

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Spinach: Mineral deficiency can also be a cause for hair loss.  So, we should make sure that we follow a diet pattern which will strengthen the hair roots.  The element ‘sebum’ acts as a natural hair conditioner and Spinach is rich in this content, hence it is the most healthy food for hair.  This leafy green veggie is also packed with potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium.  All these elements help in providing a radiant and voluminous hair.

Avocados: They are a rich source of Vitamin E, B and fatty acids, and hence can help retain and strengthen the hair.  Avocados give best results when used outside too.  It is an age-old beauty secret.

hair growth food

When it is applied on the scalp and hair, it will stimulate the collagen and produce elastin.  In short, avocados can fulfill the desire of any girl who is wishing to have a voluminous and shiny hair.  This is one of the best Hair growth food, one should consider using.

Related: 8 Must Have Food Include In Your Diet for Low Cholesterol and Healthy Heart.

Sweet Potatoes: They are overflowing with beta carotene, the element which is responsible for the creation of Vitamin A.  This fosters a healthy hair growth and a healthy scalp.  But, consume only limited quantity every day, as too much intake can turn to be toxic for the body.

Barley: Vitamin E has the ability to damage any repairs on the scalp and improve hair growth. Barley is a good source of Vitamin E.

Oats: If you are aiming at a thick and healthy hair, then consider Oats in your daily diet.  They are a good source of fiber, iron, zinc and Omega 3.

A few more tips for hair care:

1. Drink plenty of water.  It helps the scalp stay moisturized and supple.  You should drink at least 10 glasses of         water to maintain your hair – ‘the silky way.’

2. Consume a lot of good carbs, you will find a difference in your hair’s volume.

3. Eat a lot of bananas – as they are rich in magnesium.  It is an important mineral for the hair’s growth.

4. Eat right.

5. Exercise regularly.

6. Sleep well – this will help in hair growth.

7. Trim the ends of your hair regularly.  This will eliminate the split ends and help the hair to remain healthy.

8. Massage your scalps regularly, this will help in blood circulation and stimulate the hair follicles to grow well.

9. One of the most important healthy hair tips is – do not brush your hair when it is wet.

Say a big NO to these:

1. Avoid Junk foods and unhealthy eating patterns

2. Do not get stressed

3. Refrain from excessive chemical usage on hair – especially, bleaching, coloring and perming.

4. Avoid taking in more amount of sugar as it will damage Vitamin B, which is vital for hair growth.

5. Avoid coffee, alcohol, fried foods, soft and carbonated drinks.



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